Apex Solutions provides an independent, certified measure of good indoor air quality and ventilation, giving corporates and their employees the peace of mind that they work in a safe, healthy space when it comes to air quality. We are proud to be a service provider to the GreenFlag Association.
About Apex Solutions
Our Services
As a service provider to the GreenFlag Association of South Africa, we provide the technical knowledge, human resources and equipment necessary to continuously test air quality and ventilation in enclosed spaces, thereby contributing to safe and healthy environments for employees and customers.
Our Partners
Apex Solutions is in partnership with leading environmental and occupational hygiene monitoring services provider, Apex Environmental. Together, our experience and expertise provide a solid base for a healthy, sustainable future.
What We Do
Apex Solutions measures the air quality in corporate spaces to assist in providing healthy and safe environments for employees, staff and customers. We monitor indoor air quality for airborne pathogens, as well as for PM 2.5 and PM 10 particulate matter.
We advise owners and managers of public spaces on what they need to do to meet the criteria for GreenFlag certification and ensure they provide a sustainable, healthy environment.
As a proud service provider to the GreenFlag Association of South Africa, Apex Solutions is registered to issue GreenFlag Certification.
Turn your corporate and office space into a safe, healthy working environment
Contact Apex Solutions today to get your GreenFlag certification!